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Label Documents

Labeling is a way of identifying a group of documents within a visualized answer set. Labeling involves creating a label for the document group and then applying that label to the group. After it is applied to an initial group, a label can be applied to additional groups of documents. Individual documents can be associated with multiple labels.


Use the Labels chart to maintain your labels.

There are several ways to label documents:

To label documents from a bar or matrix chart:

  1. Choose a bar or cell associated with either highlighted or unhighlighted documents in the visualization workspace.
  2. Right-click and select Apply Label.
  3. On the Apply Label dialog box, select and/or create label(s) to apply:
  4. To apply the label(s), click OK.

To label documents from the Documents or Details viewer:

  1. Highlight documents in the visualization workspace. By default, all documents highlighted in the visualization workspace are displayed on the Documents viewer.
  2. To label:
  3. Select and/or create label(s) to apply, using one of these methods:
  4. If you right-clicked and selected Apply Label, choose what you want to apply the label(s) to:
  5. To apply the label(s):

To label highlighted documents:

  1. Highlight documents in the visualization workspace.
  2. Select Tools > Apply Label....

    Note: If no documents are highlighted, the Apply Label... item is unavailable.


    On the Highlight Manager, right-click on a highlight set and select Apply Label to Highlight Set.

    The Apply Label to Highlighted Documents dialog box displays.

  3. Select existing label(s) or type a new label name. To clear the New Label field for typing, click in the field.

    Note: In the dialog box, you can select existing labels and create a new one at the same time. If you type a label name that duplicates the name of an existing label, a new label is not created; instead, the existing label is selected.

  4. Click OK to apply the label(s).

See also

Remove a label

Rename a label

Clear a label

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